
Discover WorkWell

Rapua a Mahi-Totika

WorkWell is your essential guide to workplace wellbeing

Tukuna ma Mahi-Tōtika (WorkWell) to mauri ora e arahi i roto i to wāhi mahi

The WorkWell programme has been designed to guide workplaces through a simple step-by-step process. Developed around the latest research the multi-level approach ensures all aspects of the workplace are considered.

Accreditation provides the assurance that all the components of a successful workplace wellbeing programme are in place.

Wellbeing Kete

Te Kete o Mauri Ora

Your WorkWell advisor will guide you through the process to identify, prioritise and make improvements in these key areas that have the biggest impact on the wellbeing of your staff. These are known as Priority Wellbeing Areas.

Is WorkWell right for you?

Hear from WorkWell workplaces about how they are working better through wellbeing. Watch the video to find out more.

Start your WorkWell journey today

Timatahia to huarahi Mahi-Tōtika (WorkWell)

To find out more about the WorkWell programme and how it can support your workplace.